In the second place, the owner ignores possible indirect consequences of installing lowflow
shower heads on all 20 floors--consequences that in turn might adversely affect the owner's
net operating income. For example, the more low-flow installations the more likely that one or
more tenants will become disgruntled and vacate as a result. In fact, the owner has admitted
that at least a few tenants have complained about these new shower heads. High tenant
turnover might very well serve to increase the owner's overall operating costs.
In the third place, in order to reasonably conclude that low-flow heads will reduce total water
usage in the building the owner must assume that other water uses will remain constant in the
future. However, this will not necessarily be the case. Perhaps the water supplier will raise
rates, or perhaps current tenants will be replaced by other tenants who use more water.
Without ruling out such possibilities the owner cannot justifiably conclude that his total water
costs will decrease after installing low-flow heads in every shower.
In conclusion, the argument is unconvincing as it stands. To strengthen it the owner must
provide clear evidence that the use of a low-flow shower head in fact reduces total water
usage. To better assess the argument we would need figures comparing water usage before
and after installation. We would also need to know how many of the bottom five floors were
occupied since the new heads were installed, and whether the tenants on these floors are
likely to use more or less water than tenants on the upper floors.
Argument 74
The following is a recommendation from the director of personnel to the president of
Professional Printing Company.
"In a recent telephone survey of automobile factory workers, older employees were less likely
to report that having a supervisor present increases their productivity. Among workers aged 18
to 29, 27 percent said that they are more productive in the presence of their immediate
supervisor, compared to 12 percent for those aged 30 or over, and only 8 percent for those
aged 50 or over. Clearly, if our printing company hires mainly older employees, we will
increase productivity and save money because of the reduced need for supervisors."
In this argument the personnel director of Professional Printing Company (PPC)
recommends hiring older workers in order to increase productivity, as well as to save money by
reducing costs of supervision. To support this recommendation, the director cites an
auto-industry telephone survey ostensibly showing that older workers are generally less
productive under close supervision than otherwise, whereas younger workers are generally
more productive under close supervision than otherwise. This argument is flawed in several
critical respects.
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