Finally, consider art forms such as poetry, song, and prose, where the use of language is
part-and-parcel of the art. It is easy to assume that where words are involved they must be
strung together in understandable phrases in order for the art to have any merit. Moreover, if
the writer-artist resorts exclusively to obscure words that people simply do not know, then the
art can convey nothing beyond the alliterative or onomatopoeic impact that the words might
have when uttered aloud. However, in poetry and song the writer-artist often uses words as
imagery--to conjure up feelings and evoke visceral reactions in the reader or listener. In these
cases stanzas and verses need not be "understood" to have merit, as much as they need be
experienced for the images and emotions they evoke.
When it comes to prose, admittedly the writer-artist must use words to convey cognitive
ideas--for example, to help the reader follow the plot of a novel. In these cases the art must
truly be "understood" on a Linguistic and cognitive level; otherwise it is mere gibberish
without merit except perhaps as a doorstop. Nevertheless, the final objective even of literature
is to move the reader emotionally and spiritually--not simply to inform. Thus, even though a
reader might understand the twists and turns of a novel's plot intellectually, what's the point if
the reader has come away unaffected in emotion or spirit?
In the final analysis, whether art must be understood by most people, or by any person, in
order for it to have merit begs the question. To "understand" art a person need only have eyes
to see or ears to hear, and a soul to feel.
Issue 113
"The chief benefit of the study of history is to break down the illusion that people in one period
of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time in history."
I concede that basic human nature has not changed over recorded history, and that coming
to appreciate this fact by studying history can be beneficial in how we live as a society.
However, I disagree with the statement in two respects. First, in other ways there are marked
differences between people of different time periods, and learning about those differences can
be just as beneficial. Second, studying history carries other equally important benefits as well.
I agree with the statement insofar as through the earnest study of human history we learn
that basic human nature---our desires and motives, as well as our fears and foibles---has
remained constant over recorded time. And through this realization we can benefit as a society
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