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2012-01-26 20:56


【 liuxue86.com - GRE作文 】

Even assuming unpredictable weather is not the reason for the decline in advance ticket
sales, the author falsely assumes that the decline must be attributable to choice of music. This
"either-or" argument is fallacious in that it ignores other possible causes of the decline. For
example, perhaps during the last few years Glenville has begun its promotional efforts
unusually late. Or perhaps the number of oudets where tickets are available in advance has
declined. For that matter, perhaps Glenville's demographics are in flux so that the total number
of residents willing and able to attend summer concerts is declining.
Finally, even assuming that choice of music is the true cause of the decline in advance ticket
sales, the author fails to provide adequate evidence that choosing modern music, and
Richerts' compositions in particular, will boost sales and attendance. The author unfairly
assumes that people who purchase recordings are the same group that would be inclined to
attend live concerts. Lacking evidence that this is the case, the author cannot convince me that
the proposed course of action will bring about its intended result.
In sum, the argument is logically unconvincing as it stands. To strengthen it the author must
fzrst establish a dear causal relationship between the number of people buying advance
tickets and actual concert attendance. The author must also provide evidence--perhaps by
way of a reliable survey--that the "many people" who have attended the concerts in bad
weather are likely to do so again despite their experience. The author must then consider and
eliminate all other possible explanations for the decline. Finally, to better assess the argument
I would need more information about the musical tastes of the Glenville residents who are
most inclined to attend live concerts.
Argument 79
The following is a letter from a professor at Xanadu College to the college's president.
"The development of an extensive computer-based long-distance learning program will
enhance the reputation of Xanadu College. This program would allow more students to enroll
in our courses, thereby increasing our income from student tuition. Traditional courses could
easily be adapted for distance learners, as was shown by the adaptation of two traditional
courses for our distance learning trial project last year. Also, by using computer programs and
taped lectures, faculty will have fewer classroom obligations and more time to engage in
extensive research, thereby enhancing the reputation of Xanadu." 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(131) 》一文,出国留学网(liuxue86.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

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