Admittedly, travel for purposes other than tourism might eventually decline, as the business
world becomes increasingly dependent on the Internet. Products that can be reduced to digital
"bits and bites" can now be shipped anywhere in the world without any human travel. And the
volume of business-related trips will surely decline in the future, as teleconferencing becomes
more readily available. To the extent that business travelers "play tourist" during business trips,
tourism will decline as a result. Yet it would be absurd to claim that these phenomena alone will
render tourism obsolete.
In sum, while business travel might decline as a result of global connectivity, tourism is likely
to increase as a result. Global connectivity, especially the Internet, can only pique our curiosity
about other peoples, cultures, and places. Tourism helps satisfy that curiosity, as well as
satisfying a fundamental human need to experience new things first-hand and to explore the
Issue 64
"High-speed electronic communications media, such as electronic mail and television, tend to
prevent meaningful and thoughtful communication."
Do high-speed means of communication, particularly television and computers, tend to
prevent meaningful and thoughtful communication, as the speaker suggests? Although ample
empirical evidence suggests so with respect to television, the answer is far less dear when it
comes to communication via computers.
Few would argue that since its inception broadcast television has greatly enhanced
communication to the masses. The circulation of even the most widely read newspapers pales
compared to the number of viewers of popular television news programs. Yet traditional
television is a one-way communications medium, affording viewers no opportunity to engage
those so-called "talking heads" in dialogue or respond. Of course, there is nothing inherent
about television that prevents us from meaningful and thoughtful communication with each
other. In fact, in television's early days it was a fairly common occurrence for a family to gather
around the television together for their favorite show, then afterwards discuss among
themselves what they had seen and heard. Yet over time television has proven itself to serve
primarily as a baby-sitter for busy parents, and as an means of escape for those who wish to
avoid communicating with the people around them. Moreover, in the pursuit of profit, network
executives have determined over time that the most effective uses of the medium are for
fast-paced entertainment and advertising--whose messages are neither thoughtful nor
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