In this memorandum Get-Away Airline's personnel director asserts that Get-Away
mechanics should enroll in the Quality Care Seminar on proper maintenance procedures in
order to increase customer satisfaction and, in turn, profits. The director reasons that because
the performance of auto-racing mechanics improves after the seminar, so will that of
Get-Away's mechanics. The director's argument relies on a number of dubious assumptions
and is therefore unconvincing.
First of all, the argument unfairly assumes that because the performance of auto-racing
mechanics improves after the seminar so will the performance of aircraft mechanics. Common
sense tells me that, even though aircraft and auto mechanics serve similar functions, aircraft
repair and maintenance is far more involved than car repair and maintenance. Thus, a seminar
that improves the performance of auto mechanics will not necessarily improve that of aircraft
Secondly, the argument assumes that the performance of Get-Away mechanics is subject to
improvement. However, it is entirely possible that their performance level is already very high
and that the seminar will afford little or no improvement. Perhaps Get-Away's mechanics have
already attended a similar seminar, or perhaps they meet higher standards than the ones
imposed on auto-racing mechanics.
Thirdly, the argument concludes from the mere fact that the performance of auto-racing
mechanics improved after the seminar that the seminar was responsible for this improvement.
However, it is possible that some other factor, such as improved diagnostic technology or more
stringent inspection requirements, was the reason for the improved performance. Without
ruling out these and other such possibilities, I cannot accept the memo's final conclusion that
enrolling in the seminar will improve the performance of Get-Away's mechanics as well.
Finally, the argument concludes without adequate evidence that improved performance on
the part of Get-Away's mechanics will result in greater customer satisfaction and therefore
greater profits for Get-Away. Admittedly, if a low performance level results in accidents,
customer satisfaction and profits will in all probability decrease. Otherwise, however, improved
mechanic performance will in all likelihood have no bearing on customer satisfaction; in other
words, customers are unlikely to be aware of the level of performance of an aircraft's
mechanics unless accidents occur.
In conclusion, the argtunent is unconvincing as it stands. To strengthen it, the director must
provide more convincing evidence that the performance of Get-Away's mechanics will actually
improve as a result of the seminar--perhaps by pointing out other airlines whose mechanics
benefited from the seminar. The director must also show a strong causal nexus between
improved mechanic performance and profit. In order to better evaluate the argument, I would
need more information about the cost of the seminar compared to its expected benefits, and
about what factors other than the seminar might have been responsible for the improved
performance of auto-racing mechanics.
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