To begin with, the argument relies on the assumption that the new fabric supplier will be a
reliable supplier of alpaca. Yet the memo provides no substantiating evidence for this
assumption. Perhaps the supply problems Sartorian experienced years earlier were
attributable not to its supplier at the time but rather to factors beyond any supplier's control and
which might render the alpaca supply unreliable today as well. Besides, without evidence to
the contrary it is entirely possible that Sartorian's new supplier will turn out to be unreliable and
to be blameworthy for that unreliability.
Even if the new supplier turns out to be reliable, the memo assumes too hastily, on the basis
of a competitor's discontinuing alpaca coat production, that consumer demand for alpaca coats
made by Sartorian is now pent-up. Perhaps that competitor stopped making alpaca coats due
to diminishing consumer demand for them. Or, perhaps other clothing manufacturers are now
beginning to fill the market void by producing similar coats. Either of these scenarios, if true,
would cast serious doubt on the vice president's claim that there is now pent-up alpaca coat
demand from which Sartorian would profit.
Even if the vice president can substantiate the two foregoing assumptions, the argument
relies on the additional assumption that consumers will be willing to pay whatever price
Sartorian requires to turn a profit on its alpaca coat sales. Yet, perhaps Sartorian's costs for
alpaca wool will be so high as to preclude any profit from alpaca coat sales. Also, the fact that
clothing prices have been steadily increasing for five years suggests that consumers might
have less disposable income for purchasing items such as alpaca coats, espedally if
consumers' income has not kept pace with escalating prices. Thus without stronger evidence
that consumers would be both willing and able to pay high prices for Sartorian's alpaca coats
the vice president cannot convince me that the proposed course of action would be a profitable
Finally, even if Sartorian would turn a profit from the sale of its alpaca coats, the memo's
claim that the company's overall profits would increase thereby is unwarranted.
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