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2012-02-02 18:10




【 liuxue86.com - GRE作文 】

Otherwise, the speaker's prescription for academic success makes little sense. Aside from
the environmental variables listed above, academia is a relatively staid environment over time.
The key ingredients of academic success have always been, and will always be, a student's
innate abilities and the effort the student exerts in applying those abilities to increasingly
advanced course work. Besides, to assert that academic success involves changing one's
environment is tantamount to requiring that students alter their school's teaching methods or
physical surroundings in order to be successful students--an assertion that nonsensically
equates academic study with educational reform.
Turning next to professional success, consider the two traditional professions of law and
medicine. A practicing lawyer must stay abreast of new developments and changes in the law,
and a physician must adapt to new and improved medical devices, and keep pace with new
and better ways to treat and prevent diseases. Otherwise, those professionals risk losing their
competency, and even their professional licenses. However, this is not to say that success in
either profession also requires that the practitioner help shape the legal, medical, technological,
or ethical environment within which these professions operate. To the contrary, undue time and
energy devoted to advancing the profession can diminish a practitioner's effectiveness as such.
In other words, legal and medical reform is best left to former practitioners, and to legislators,
jurists, scientists, and academicians. Thus the speaker's claim unfairly overrates the ability to
change one's professional environment as a key ingredient of professional success.
In contrast, when it comes to certain other professions, such as business and scientific
research, the speaker's claim is far more compelling. Our most successful business leaders
are not those who merely maximize shareholder profits, but rather those who envision a lasting
contribution to the business environment and to society, and realize that vision. The industrial
barons and information-age visionaries of the late 19th and 20th Centuries, respectively, did
not merely adapt to the winds of business and technological change imposed upon them. They
altered the direction of those winds, and to some extent were the fans that blew those winds.
Similarly, ultimate success in scientific research lies not in reacting to new environments but in
shaping future ones--by preventing disease, inventing products that transform the ways in
which we live and work, and so forth. Perhaps the most apt example is the field of space
exploration, which has nothing to do with adapting to new environments, and everything to do
with discovering them and making them available to us in the first place.
To sum up, the speaker's daim has merit insofar as any individual must adapt to new
environments to progress in life and to survive in a dynamic, ever-changing world. However,
the speaker's sweeping definition of success overlooks certain crucial distinctions between
academics and the professions, and between some professions and others. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(46) 》一文,出国留学网(liuxue86.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

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