Finally, the author recommends a course of action that might actually defeat the city's
objective of providing a fun and relaxing place for people to congregate. In my experience
skateboarding contributes to an atmosphere of fun and relaxation, for adults and children alike,
more so than many other types of ambiance. Without considering that continuing to allow
skateboarding--or even encouraging this activity--might achieve the city's goal more effectively
than banning the activity, the author cannot convincingly conclude that the ban would be in the
city's best interests.
In sum, the argument is a specious one. To strengthen it, the editorial's author must provide
dear evidence that skateboarding, and not some other factor, is responsible for the conditions
marking the Plaza's decline. The author must also convince me that no alternative means of
restoring the Plaza are available to the city, and that the proposed ban by itself would suffice to
attract tourists and restore the Plaza to its former glory. Finally, to better assess the argument it
would be useful to know the circumstances under which the downtown merchants would be
willing to help the city achieve its objectives.
Argument 112
The following appeared in a newsletter from a political organization.
"In order to promote economic growth in the city, city residents should vote 'yes' on the state
government's proposal to build a new expressway linking the outlying suburbs directly to the
city center. A direct link to the city center will enable downtown businesses to receive deliveries
more frequently, so that downtown retailers will no longer run out of stock and city
manufacturers will not be affected by shortages of materials. Booming businesses will attract
qualified workers from all over the state, workers who will be able to take advantage of the new
expressway to commute to work in our city. In addition to these advantages, hundreds of
workers will be employed to build the expressway, further stimulating the local economy!"
In this newsletter the author concludes that, in order to promote the economic health of the
city's downtown area, voters should approve the construction of an expressway linking
downtown to outlying suburbs. To support this conclusion the author claims that the
expressway would alleviate shortages of stock and materials among downtown businesses
and manufacturers, and would attract workers from elsewhere in the state. However, the
argument relies on a series of unsubstantiated assumptions, which render it unconvincing.
The first problem with the argument involves the author's dairn that the expressway would
help prevent downtown merchants and manufacturers from experiencing shortages in stock
and materials. This claim depends on three assumptions. One assumption is that such a
problem exists in the first place. A second assumption is that the absence of an expressway is
the cause of such shortages; yet common sense tells me that the availability of these
commodities is probably the primary such factor. A third assumption is that stock and materials
would be delivered primarily via the expressway. Yet it is entirely possible that these
commodities are delivered directly to the downtown area by other means, such as rail or air
transport. Without substantiating these assumptions the author cannot justifiably conclude that
the expressway would help prevent shortages of stock and materials. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(147) 》一文,出国留学网(编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。