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2013-03-21 08:55




【 liuxue86.com - GRE词汇 】

  aspectn. 样子, 外表 (appearance to the eye or mind) (类)transfigure·aspect=transfer·locati


  aspect n. 样子, 外表 (appearance to the eye or mind)

  (类)transfigure·aspect=transfer·location 变形·样子=转移·位置(使动:前者使后者变化)

  (同)look(外表), mien(风度), seeming (外观)

  asperity n. 性情粗暴(sharpness of temper)

  (反)mildness of temper 脾气温和 soothingness让人宽心 amiability 和蔼可亲

  aspersion n. 诽谤,中伤 (slanderous remark)

  (反)glowing tribute 厚礼 flattery 谄媚

  【注:tribute :a gift or service showing respect, gratitude, or affection】

  aspirant n. 有抱负者, 有野心者(seeker after position or status)

  (类)aspirant·quarry=hunter·prey 有抱负者·目标=狩猎者·猎物(前追求后)

  (记)a+spir(呼吸)联想:大口呼吸,渴望呼吸新鲜东西→抱负 参考:respiration(呼吸)

  aspiration n. 强烈的愿望,抱负(a strong desire )吸入(inhalation)

  assail vt.攻击(assault);攻讦(to attack verbally, as with ridicule or censure)

  assault n.攻击, 袭击 v.袭击

  assay n/v. 化验,检验,评价






  assent n.赞成;vi.同意(to agree, as to a proposal; concur)

  assert vt. 主张,声明,断言(state strongly ,demand recognition of rights)

  (类)calumny·assertion=perjury·testimony 诽谤·断言=伪证·证言(伪与正常)

  assert·belabor=tend·fuss 断言·冗长的讨论=关心·过分关心(正常与过分)

  【注:fuss :a show of flattering attention 例made a big fuss over his favorite niece】

  (记)sert(= serere 加入)联想:加入自己的意见→主张 参考:insert 插入

  assertive adj. 过分自信的,有进取心的(Inclined to bold or confident assertion;

  aggressively self-assured)

  (类)obsequious·servile=belligerent·assertive 谄媚的·卑屈的=好战的·有进取心的



  ◆ unassertive 厚脸皮的

  ◆ 谦逊的

  【注:unassertive :not assertive:MODEST, SHY】

  (同)aggressive , assertory, militant, pushful, pushing, pushy, self-assertive

  (记)来自 assert 断言 联想:过于断定的→过于自信

  assess v. 估价,评价(to determine the importance, size, or value of)

  (类)assess·value=plumb·depth 评价·价值=测水深·深度(动作与其相关对象)

  (派)assessor n. 技术顾问,估价者

  asset n.资产,资源

  assiduous adj.勤勉的,专心的(diligent)

  (类)rakish· restraint=slothful·assiduity 放荡的·抑制=偷懒的·勤勉 (反面特征)

  (反)remiss 玩忽职守的 desultory 散漫的 slipshod 草率的

  (记)as+sid(坐)→久坐不动的→勤勉的 参考:preside(主持)

  assimilate v. 吸收,,同化

  (记)simil相同→使相同→同化 参考:simulate 伪装,模仿

  assuage vt. 缓和,减轻 (ease;lessen pain)

  (反)gall 使生气 inflame 激怒 intensify 加强 exacerbate 恶化 incite煽动

  (记)suage(= sweet)→使味道甜→使苦味得到缓和→缓和,减轻

  assume vt. 接受(receive),承担(undertake)


  ◆ assume 放弃

  ◆ 接受


  ◆ refuse/ reject 接受

  ◆ 拒绝


  ◆ assume rightfully 篡权

  ◆ 正当的就职

  (记)sume(拿,取)联想:拿来→接受 参考:consume消费;assumed假定的,假装的

  asterisk n.星号(the mark *)

  astounding adj. 令人惊骇的(causing astonishment or amazement)

  (类)indelible·forget=astounding·expect 难忘的·忘记=出乎意料的·预期(难以)

  astound·wonder=appall·horror 使吃惊·奇迹=使惊骇·恐怖(前果后因)

  (记) as-=ex- 加强语气+tound=thunder雷声 联想:雷声使人惊骇。参考:astonish 使震惊

  astray adv. 迷途地, 入歧途地

  astringent n. 收敛剂 adj. 收敛的

  (类)astringent·pucker=coagulant·congeal 收敛剂·收缩=凝结剂·凝结

  astringent·contraction=anesthetic·insensibility 收敛剂·收缩=麻醉剂·无知觉

  astringent·pucker=spark·ignition 收敛剂·收缩=火花·点火

  (记)a(表否定)+string=绳子,延伸(to stretch out or extend)string→不伸展→收缩。

  astrology n. 占星术

  (类)astrology·astronomy=alchemy·chemistry 占星术·天文学=炼金术·化学(伪与正常)

  (记)astro-(前缀,表示“星,天体,宇宙”)参考:astronaut 宇航员;astral星状的

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