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2016-07-21 16:17


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  1.Feminist scholars have tended to regard women in the nineteenth-century United States who elected to remain single as champions of women’s autonomy and as critics of marriage as an oppressive institution. Indeed, many nineteenth-century American women who participated in reform movements or who distinguished themselves as writers and professionals were single. Yet this view of single women tends to distort the meaning of their choices. The nineteenth century saw the elevation of marriage for love as a spiritual ideal. Consequently, it became socially acceptable for women not to marry if such an ideal marriage could not be realized with an available suitor. Thus, many women’s choice to remain single reflected not a negative view of marriage but a highly idealistic one.

  1. The author of the passage implies that many nineteenth-century American women chose to remain single because they

  A. believed that marriage required them to give up much of their autonomy

  B. had attitudes toward marriage that were influenced by contemporary reform movements

  C. wanted to take advantage of increasing opportunities to distinguish themselves as professionals

  D. doubted that their own marriage would live up to their notion of what a marriage ought to be

  E. had a negative view of marriage fostered by a change in social attitudes during the nineteenth century

  Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

  2. The author of the passage suggests that the feminist scholars mentioned in the first sentence distort the meaning of certain nineteenth-century American women’s choices by

  A. ascribing those choices to a particular attitude toward marriage

  B. ignoring evidence about single women’s motives for becoming writers or professionals

  C. overestimating the number of nineteenth-century American women who were single by choice.

  答案:D A


  Many researchers attribute the large number of physiological and behavioral similarities between birds and mammals, which have separate evolutionary histories, to endothermy (a thermoregulatory strategy whereby warm body temperature is maintained through internal heat sources). However, Farmer argues that parental care rather than endothermy is the key to understanding the similarities between mammals and birds. According to Farmer, while endothermy provides an explanation for a few similarities, such as the presence of body insulation, endothermy is just one characteristic among many related to parental care. The two purported advantages of endothermy that have been most frequently cited by researchers are an expanded range of inhabitable environments and the ability to sustain vigorous exercise. But metabolism has to increase substantially (at great energy cost) therefore conferring any significant thermoregulatory advantage in terms of the former, and there is no causal biological linkage to explain why endothermy would be essential to sustain exercise. Farmer argues instead that endothermy evolved as a means to control incubation temperature and that the ability to sustain exercise evolved separately, as a means to improve a parent’s ability to forage and provision its young.

  1. The primary purpose of the passage is to

  A. present a scientific theory that challenges a widely held theory

  B. summarize the basis for a large body of scientific research

  C. defend an established scientific theory in light of recent criticism

  D. express skepticism about the results obtained by a particular researcher

  E. compare the results of two particular scientific studies

  2. Which of the following best characterizes the organization of the passage as a whole?

  A. A position is noted, an alternative to that position is introduced, and then several points in support of the alternative are discussed.

  B. A theory is discussed, an inconsistency within that theory is illustrated, and then a recommendation is made for further inquiry.

  C. Certain research results are described, the significance of those results is explained, and then a novel interpretation of those results is summarized.

  D. A question is posed, a possible answer to that question is suggested, and then evidence is provided to corroborate that answer.

  E. A debate is outlined, contrasting viewpoints within the debate are discussed, and then one viewpoint is demonstrated to be correct.

  3. According to the passage, Farmer concedes that endothermy provides an explanation for which of the following features shared by birds and mammals?

  A. The ability to forage

  B. The ability to sustain exercise

  C. The instinct to care for offspring

  D. Flexibility in habitat usage

  E. Body insulation

  答案:A A E


  Prominent among theories of the function of sleep is Meddis’ immobilization hypothesis, which holds that sleep, rather than serving a restorative function, plays a protective role during times that animals cannot be usefully engaged in other activities. Meddis reasoned that animals not immediately threatened by predators would be safer if they passed the time sleeping.

  However, that hypothesis cannot easily explain why one often observes a rebound in sleep time or intensity following a period of sleep deprivation. Neither does the hypothesis explain the existence of various states of sleep, which themselves may be associated with different functions.

  Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

  1. According to the passage, the immobilization hypothesis fails to account for which of the following facts?

  A. That sleep does not appear to be a uniform and unchanging state

  B. That under certain conditions animals appear to need more sleep than usual

  C. That animals rarely sleep when a predator has been detected nearby

  2. In the context of the passage as a whole, the highlighted portion serves primarily to

  A. present the thinking that led scientists to qualify a widely accepted view

  B. describe the basis on which a hypothesis was advanced

  C. illustrate the kind of reasoning that is applied in a branch of science

  D. explain how a hypothesis can be tested empirically

  E. relate the analysis that refined a tentative explanation

  答案:AB B






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