Next consider the military hero, who gains heroic stature by way of courage in battle, or by
otherwise facing certain defeat and emerging victorious. Former presidential hopeful John
McCain, whom even his political opponents laud as a war hero for having not only endured
years of torture as a prisoner of war but also for continuing to serve his country afterwards. Do
his patriotism and mettle reveal our society's true character? Certainly not. They reveal only
that we admire his courage, fortitude, and strength.
On the other hand, consider a third type of hero: the champion of social causes who inspires
and incites society to meaningful political and social change. Such luminaries as India's
Mahatma Gandhi, America's Martin Luther King, South Africa's Nelson Mandela, and Poland's
Lech Lawesa come immediately to mind. This unique brand of hero does reflect, and indeed
must reflect, the character of the hero's society. After all, it is the function of the social
champion to call attention to the character of society, which having viewed its reflection in the
hero is incited to act bravely--in accordance with its collective character.
In sum, I agree with the speaker's claim only with respect to champions of society's social
causes. Otherwise, what society deems heroic reflects instead a basic, and universal, human
need for paragons--to whom we can refer as metaphors for the sorts of virtues that for lack of
character we cannot ourselves reflect.
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