Even if KO is more effective for women than for men, the argument's conclusion that men
should take another pain medication instead is unwarranted. It is entirely possible that KO is
still the most effective pain medication for men. Without comparing the effectiveness of KO to
that of other pain medications, the speaker simply cannot justify his recommendation that men
avoid KO.
In sum, the argument has not convinced me that men should take a medication other than
KO for pain. To strengthen the argument the speaker must assure me that the men and
women in the study are representative of men and women generally--in terms of their dental
profile, experience in handling pain, and willingness to recognize and report pain. The speaker
must also assure me that the study was performed in a controlled environment where all other
factors possibly affecting pain remained constant. To better assess the argument I would need
to know how effective KO is compared to other medications in reducing pain for men.
Argument 77
The following is a recommendation from the dean at Foley College, a small liberal arts college,
to the president of the college.
"Since college-bound students are increasingly concerned about job prospects after
graduation, Foley College should attempt to increase enrollment by promising to find its
students jobs after they graduate. Many administrators feel that this strategy is a way for Foley
to compete against larger and more prestigious schools and to encourage students to begin
preparing for careers as soon as they enter college. Furthermore, a student who must choose
a career path within his or her first year of college and who is guaranteed a job after graduation
is more likely to successfully complete the coursework that will prepare him or her for the
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