The dean of Foley College claims that by guaranteeing prospective students that they will
obtain jobs immediately upon graduation Foley can increase its enrollment and more
effectively compete against more prestigious schools. To support this assertion the dean
claims that students who commit early to a course of study and are guaranteed eventual
employment are more likely to complete that coursework and will be better prepared for the
future. On several grounds, however, the dean's argument is unconvincing.
First of all, the argument assumes that providing this guarantee will in fact result in
increased enrollment. However, the dean provides no evidence that this will be the case. It is
entirely possible that the sort of student attracted to Foley in the first place would not find such
a guarantee a particularly enticing feature. In fact, since Foley is a liberal arts college its
students are more likely to be interested in graduate-level study rather than immediate
employment upon graduation.
Secondly, the dean provides no support for the claim that because of the proposed
guarantee Foley students would be more likely to successfully complete the coursework they
choose as entering freshman. To the contrary, experience and common sense inform us that
while in college students often change their minds about their best career direction.
Accordingly, by requiting an early commitment to a course of study Foley might be doing its
students a disservice in terms of helping them select the course of study that they are most
likely to complete successfuUy.
Thirdly, the dean provides no support for the final conclusion that the earlier a student's
commitment to a course of study the better prepared the student will be for the future. It is
entirely possible that exploring diverse options during the first year or two of college is a better
way to prepare for one's future by providing the sort of well-rounded education that one might
need for career flexibility. Without addressing this issue the dean cannot justifiably conclude
that the proposed guarantee will better prepare Foley students for the funxre.
In conclusion, the argument is unconvincing as it stands. To strengthen it the dean must
provide statistical evidence that college students who commit early to a course of study or who
are promised eventual employment in that field are more likely than other college students to
succeed in college and in their careers. Finally, to better evaluate the argu ment, we would
need more information about why prospective students apply to Foley in the first place.
Argument 78
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