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2012-01-17 23:05




【 liuxue86.com - GRE作文 】

threatens the delicate balance upon which all animals--including humans--depend.
In closing, I take exception to the statement only insofar as a nation can still pursue progress
and the well-being of its own citizens in relative isolation from other nations. And I concede that
in the future the world's nations might respond to the health and security risks of the ripple
effect that I've described by adopting isolationist trade, communications, and military policies.
Yet, having benefited from the economic synergies which free trade and global financial
markets afford, and having seen the potential for progress technological revolution has
brought about, I think that the world's nations will be willing to assume those risks.
Issue 102
"The purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system, a standard, a
set of ideas---not to prepare them for a specific job."
Should educators teach values or focus instead on preparing students for jobs? In my view
the two are not mutually exclusive. It is by helping students develop their own principles for
living, as well as by instilling in them certain fundamental values, that educators best prepare
young people for the world of work.
One reason for my viewpoint is that rote learning of facts, figures, and technical skills does
not help us determine which goals are worthwhile and whether the means of attaming those
goals are ethically or morally acceptable. In other words, strong values and ethical standards
are needed to determine how we can best put our rote knowledge to use in the working world.
Thus, by helping students develop a thoughtful, principled value system educators actually
help prepare students for jobs.
Another reason for my viewpoint lies in the fact that technology-driven industries account for
an ever4ncreasing portion of our jobs. As advances in technology continue to accelerate,
specific knowledge and skills needed for jobs will change more and more quickly. Thus it would
be a waste of our education system to focus on specific knowledge and job skills that might
soon become obsolete--at the expense of teaching values. It seems more appropriate today
for employers to provide the training our work force needs to perform their jobs, freeing up our
educators to help students develop guiding principles for their careers. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(75) 》一文,出国留学网(liuxue86.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

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