In sum, I find the speaker's contention indefensible in light of numerous countervailing
considerations. In the final analysis, history informs us that violent crime is a universal and
timeless social problem, and that no manner of punishment can eliminate it.
Issue 115
"People often look for similarities, even between very different things, and even when it is
unhelpful or harmful to do so. Instead, a thing should be considered on its own terms; we
should avoid the tendency to compare it to something else."
Do people too often look for similarities between things, regardless of whether it is helpful or
harmful to do so, and not often enough evaluate things on their own individual merits? The
speaker believes so. I agree to an extent, especially when it comes to making determinations
about people. However, the speaker overlooks a fundamental and compelling reason why
people must always try to find similarities between things.
I agree with the speaker insofar as insisting on finding similarities between things can often
result in unfair, and sometimes harmful, comparisons. By focusing on the similarities among all
big cities, for example, we overlook the distinctive character, architecture, ethnic diversity, and
culture of each one. Without evaluating an individual company on its own merits before buying
stock in that company, an investor runs the risk of choosing a poor performer in an otherwise
attractive product sector or geographic region. And schools tend to group students according
to their performance on general intelligence tests and academic exams. By doing so, schools
overlook more specific forms of intelligence which should be identified and nurtured on a more
individualized basis so that each student can fulffil his or her potential.
As the final example above illustrates, we should be especially careful when looking for
similarities between people. We humans have a tendency to draw arbitrary condusions about
one another based on gender, race, and superficial characteristics. Each individual should be
evaluated instead on the basis of his or her own merit in terms of character, accomplishment,
and so forth. Otherwise, we run the risk of unfair bias and even prejudice, which manifest
themselves in various forms of discrimination and oppression. Yet prejudice can result from
looking too hard for differences as well, while overlooking the things that all people share.
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