In sum, the speaker over-generalizes when it comes to the function and value of art and
science both of which serve in some cases to reassure and in other cases to upset. In any
event, the speaker misstates the true function and value of science, which is to discover truths,
whether reassuring or upsetting.
Issue 88
"Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system because
moral behavior cannot be legislated."
I strongly agree that by studying any particular academic discipline we alter the way we
perceive the world. As intellectual neophytes we tend to polarize what we see as either right or
wrong, or as either good or bad. We also tend to interpret what we see by way of our emotions.
Once educated, we gain the capacity to see a broader spectrum of opinion and perspective,
and to see our own culture and even ourselves as a tapestry-like product of history.
Through the earnest pursuit of knowledge--particularly in history and literature--we reveal to
ourselves the flaws and foibles of other humans whose lives we study and read about. History
teaches us, for example, that demagogues whom society places on pedestals often fall under
the weight of their own prejudices, jealousies, and other character flaws. And, any serious
student of Shakespeare comes away from reading King Lear and Hamlet with a heightened
awareness of the tragically flawed ironic hero, and of the arbitrariness by which we distinguish
our heroes from our villains.
Through education we begin to see flaws not only in people but also in ideologies that we
had previously embraced on pure faith. A student of government and public policy learns that
many of the so-called "solutions" which our legislatures and jurists hand down to us from atop
their pedestals are actually Band-Aid comprises designed to appease opponents and pander
to the electorate. A philosophy student learns to recognize logical fallacies of popular ideas
and the rhetoric of our political parties, religious denominations, and social extremists. And, a
law student learns that our system of laws is not a monolithic set of truths but rather an
ever-changing reflection of whatever the society's current mores, values, and attitudes happen
to be.
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