Issue 26
"While some leaders in government, sports, industry, and other areas attribute their success to
a well-developed sense of competition, a society can better prepare its young people for
leadership by instilling in them a sense of cooperation."
Which is a better way to prepare young people for leadership: developing in them a spirit of
competitiveness or one of cooperation? The speaker favors the latter approach, even though
some leaders attribute their success to their keenly developed competitive spirit. I tend to
agree with the speaker, for reasons having to do with our increasingly global society, and with
the true keys to effective leadership.
The chief reason why we should stress cooperation in nurturing young people today is that,
as tomorrow's leaders, they will face pressing societal problems that simply cannot be solved
apart from cooperative international efforts. For example, all nations will need to cooperate in
an effort to disarm themselves of weapons of mass destruction; to reduce harmful emissions
which destroy ozone and warm the Earth to dangerous levels; to reduce consumption of the
Earth's finite natural resources; and to cure and prevent diseases before they become global
epidemics. Otherwise, we all risk self-destruction. In short, global peace, economic stability,
and survival of the species provide powerful reasons for developing educational paradigms
that stress cooperation over competition.
A second compelling reason for instilling in young people a sense of cooperation over
competition is that effective leadership depends less on the latter than the former. A leader
should show that he or she values the input of subordinates--for example, by involving them in
decisions about matters in which they have a direct stake. Otherwise, subordinates might grow
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