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2012-01-26 19:56




【 liuxue86.com - GRE作文 】

to resent their leader, and become unwilling to devote themselves wholeheartedly to the
leader's mission. In extreme cases they might even sabotage that mission, or even take their
useful ideas to competitors. And after all, without other people worth leading a person cannot
be a leader let alone an effective one.
A third reason why instilling a sense of cooperation is to be preferred over instilling a sense
of competition is that the latter serves to narrow a leader's focus on thwarting the efforts of
competitors. With such tunnel vision it is difficult to develop other, more creative means of
attaining organizational objectives. Moreover, such means often involve synergistic solutions
that call for alliances, partnerships, and other cooperative efforts with would-be competitors.
Those who would oppose the speaker might point out that a thriving economy depends on a
freely competitive business environment, which ensures that consumers obtain high-quality
goods and services at low prices. Thus key leadership positions, especially in business,
inherently call for a certain tenacity and competitive spirit. And, a competitive spirit seems
especially critical in today's hyper-competitive technology-driven economy, where any leader
f~iling to keep pace with ever-changing business and technological paradigms soon fails by
the wayside. However, a leader's effectiveness as a competitor is not necessarily inconsistent
with his or her ability to cooperate with subordinates or with competitors, as noted above.
In sum, ifwe were to take the speaker's advice too far we would risk becoming a world
without leaders, who are bred of a competitive spirit. We would also risk the key benefits of a
free-market economy. Nevertheless, on balance I agree that it is more important to instill in
young people a sense of cooperation than one of competition. The speaker's preference
properly reflects the growing role of cooperative alliances and efforts in solving the world's
most pressing problems. After all, in a world in which our very survival as a species depends
on cooperation, the spirit of even healthy competition, no matter how healthy, is of little value to
any of us.
Issue 27
"Society does not place enough emphasis on the intellect---that is, on reasoning and other
cognitive skills."
The speaker asserts that society should place more emphasis on intellect and cognition.
While the speaker might overlook the benefits of nurturing certain emotions and feelings, on
balance I agree that it is by way of our heads rather than our hearts that we can best ensure
the well-being of our society. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(17) 》一文,出国留学网(liuxue86.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

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