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2012-01-26 22:44




【 liuxue86.com - GRE作文 】

Thirdly, some types of learning occur best during face-to-face encounters between teacher
and student, and between students. Only by way of a live encounter can a language teacher
recognize and immediately correct subtle problems in pronunciauon and inflection. And, there
is no suitable substitute for a live encounter when it comes to teaching techniques in painting,
sculpture, music performance, and acting. Moreover, certain types of learning are facilitated
when students interact as a group. Many grade school teachers, for example, find that reading
together aloud is the most effective way for students to learn this skill.
Fourth, with technology-based learning tools, especially computers and the Intemet,
learning how to use the technology can rob the teacher of valuable time that could be spent
accomplishing the teacher's ultimate educational objectives. Besides, any technology-based
learning tool carries the risk of technical problems. Students whose teachers fail to plan for
productive use of unexpected down-time can lose opportunities for real learning.
Finally, we must not overlook the non-quantifiable benefit that personal attention can afford.
A human teacher can provide meaningful personal encouragement and support, and can
identify and help to solve a student's social or psychological problems that might be impeding
the learning process. No video, computer program, or Web site can begin to serve these
invaluable functions.
Acknowledging the many ways that technological innovations can impede "real" learning,
these innovations nevertheless can facilitate "real" learning, if employed judicially and for
appropriate purposes. Specifically, when it comes to learning rote facts and figures, personal
interaction with a teacher is unnecessary, and can even result in fatigue and burnout for the
teacher. Computers are an ideal tool for the sorts of learning that occur only through
repetition--typing skills, basic arithmetical calculations, and so forth. Computers also make
possible visual effects that aid uniquely in the learning of spatial concepts. Finally, computers,
videos and the Internet are ideal for imparting basic text-book information to students, thereby
freeing up the teacher's time to give students individualized attention. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(85) 》一文,出国留学网(liuxue86.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

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