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2012-01-27 01:13




【 liuxue86.com - GRE作文 】

Even on a societal level, scandals can serve chiefly to distract us from more important
matters. For example, time will tell whether the Clinton sex scandal will benefit our political,
social, or legal system. Admittedly, the scandal did call our attention to certain issues of federal
law. It sparked a debate about the powers and duties of legal prosecutors, under the
Independent Counsel Act, vis-i-vis the chief executive while in and out of office. And the
various court rulings about executive privilege and immunity WIU serve useful legal
precedents for the furore. Even the impeachment proceedings xxhll no doubt provide useful
procedural precedent at some future time. Yet on balance, it seems to me that the deleterious
effects of the scandal in terms of the financial expense to taxpayers and the various harms to
the many individuals caught up in the legal process---outweigh these benefits. More
importantly, for more that a year the scandal served chiefly to distract us from our most
pressing national and global problems, such as the Kosovo crisis, our social-security crisis,
and health-care reform, to name just a few.
In sum, I agree that scandals often serve to flag important socio-political problems more
effectively than any speaker or reformer can. However, whether a scandal works more benefit
than harm to a community or society must be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
Issue 94
"Practicality is now our great idol, which all powers and talents must serve. Anything that is not
obviously practical has little value in today's world."
In today's world is practicality our idol---one which all powers and talents must serve. While
this claim has considerable merit with respect to most areas of human endeavor--including
education, art, and politics--I take exception with the claim when it comes to the direction of
scientific research today.
Practicality seems clearly to be the litmus test for education today. Grade-schoolers are
learning computer skills right along with reading and writing. Our middle and high schools are
increasingly cutting arts education, which ostensibly has less practical value than other course
work. And, more and more college students are majoring in technical fields for the purpose of
securing lucrative jobs immediately upon graduation. Admittedly, many college students still
advance to graduate-level study; yet the most popular such degree today is the MBA; after all,
business administration is fundamentally about practicality and pragmatism that is, "getting
the job done" and paying attention to the "bottom line." 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(45) 》一文,出国留学网(liuxue86.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

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