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2012-01-27 06:42




【 liuxue86.com - GRE作文 】

other hand, by any measure, Microsoft's Bill Gates has made an even greater contribution
than Ford; after all, Gates is largely responsible for lifting American technology out of the
doldrums during the 1970s to restore America to the status of economic powerhouse and
technological leader of the world. And this contribution is readily recognizable now--as it is
happening. Of course, the DOS and Windows operating systems, and even Gates' monopoly,
might eventually become historical relics. Yet his greatness is already secured.
In sum, the speaker overlooks many great individuals, particularly in the arts and in business,
whose achievements were broadly recognized as great even during their own time.
Nevertheless, other great achievements, especially scientific ones, cannot be confirmed as
such without the benefit of historical perspective.
Issue 22
"In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as
much by watching television as they can by reading books."
The speaker contends that people learn just as much from watching television as by reading
books, and therefore that reading books is not as important for learning as it once was. I
strongly disagree. I concede that in a few respects television, including video, can be a more
efficient and effective means of learning. In most respects, however, these newer media serve
as poor substitutes for books when it comes to learning.
Admittedly, television holds certain advantages over books for imparting certain types of
knowledge. For the purpose of documenting and conveying temporal, spatial events and
experiences, film and video generally provide a more accurate and convincing record than a
book or other written account. For example, it is impossible for anyone, no matter how keen an
observer and skilled a journalist, to recount in complete and objective detail such events as a
Ballanchine ballet, or the scene at the intersection of Florence and Normandy streets during
the 1992 Los Angeles riots. Besides, since the world is becoming an increasingly eventful
place, with each passing day it becomes a more onerous task for journalists, authors, and
book publishers to recount these events, and disseminate them in printed form. Producers of 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(15) 》一文,出国留学网(liuxue86.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

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