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2012-02-02 22:48




【 liuxue86.com - GRE作文 】

Thirdly, the claim makes little sense in the context of human history. Prior to the last few
centuries the inhabitable regions of our planet provided ample territory and resources--such as
food and cultivable land--to accommodate every human inhabitant. Yet our distant ancestors
engaged in war and crime anyway. What else explains this, except that it is part of our inherent
nature to engage in aggressive behavior toward other humans? Moreover, if we consider the
various experiments with Marx's Communism, it becomes clear that the pure Marxist State in
which all territory and resources are shared according to the needs of each individual does not
work in practice. Every attempt, whether on the macro- or micro-level, has failed at the hands
of a few demagogues or despots, who aggress and oppress like playground bullies.
In sum, the author of this statement misunderstands the roots of such phenomena as war
and crime. The statement runs contrary to my personal observations of human behavior, to the
scientific notions of genetic predisposition and evolution of species, and to the overwhelming
lack of evidence that providing ample resources to people solves these problems.
Issue 77
"Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who
is an expert in that field."
The speaker's assertion that work in any field can be judged only by experts in that field
amounts to an unfair generalization, in my view. I would concur with the speaker when it
comes to judging the work of social scientists, although I would strongly disagree when it
comes to work in the pure physical sciences, as explained in the following discussion.
With respect to the social sciences, the social world presents a seamless web of not only
anthropogenic but also physical forces, which interact in ways that can be understood only in
the context of a variety of disciplines. Thus experts from various fields must collectively
determine the merit of work in the social sciences. For example, consider the field of cultural
anthropology. The merits of researcher's findings and conclusions about an ancient civilization
must be scrutinized by biochemists, geologists, linguists, and even astronomers.
Specifically, by analyzing the hair, nails, blood and bones of mummified bodies, biochemists
and forensic scientists can pass judgment on the anthropologist's conjectures about the life
expectancy, general well-being, and common causes of death of the population. Geologists
are needed to identify the source and age of the materials used for tools, weapons, and
structures--thereby determining whether the anthropologist extrapolated correctly about the
civilization's economy, trades and work habits, life styles, extent of travel and mobility, and so
forth. Linguists are needed to interpret hieroglyphics and extrapolate from found fragments of
writings. And astronomers are sometimes needed to determine with the anthropologist's
explanations for the layout of an ancient city or the design, structure and position of
monuments, tombs, and temples is convincing-because ancients often looked to the stars for
guidance in building cities and structures. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(60) 》一文,出国留学网(liuxue86.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

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