ADJ. reparable.
Let us be grateful that the damage is remediable.
构词:re (again) + med (mend) + able
N. recollection.
Her reminiscences of her experiences are so fascinating that she ought to write a book.
构词:re (again) + minisc (memory) + ence (n)
N, guilt; self-reproach.
The murderer felt no remorse for his crime.
构词:re (again) + morse (bite)
v. rise again; flow to and fro.
It was startling to see the spirit of nationalism resurge as the Soviet union disintegrated into a loose federation of ethnic and national groups.
resurgence, N. resurgent, ADJ.
构词:re (again) + surge (wave—rise)
v. revive.
The lifeguard tried to resuscitate the drowned child by applying artificial respiration.
构词:re (again) + suscit (stir) + ate (v)
v. recover; find and bring in.
The dog was intelligent and quickly learned to retrieve the game killed by the hunter, retrieval, N.
构词:re (again) + trieve (find)
N. remedy; compensation.
Do you mean to tell me that I can get no redress for my injuries? also v.
构词:re (again) + dress (arrange)
ADJ. superfluous; repetitious; excessively wordy.
The bottle of wine I brought to Bob’s party was certainly redundant, how was I to know Bob owned a winery? In your essay, you repeat several points unnecessarily; try to avoid redundancy in the future.
构词:re (again) + dund (double) + ant (a)
give in.
When her stern father would not relent and allow her to marry Robert Browning, Elizabeth Barrett eloped with her suitor.
relentless, ADJ.
构词:re (away) + lent (melt)
v. give up something with reluctance; yield.
Once you get used to fringe benefits like expense-account meals and a company car, it’s very hard to relinquish them.
构词:re (away) + linqu (leave) + ish (v)
N. patient submissiveness; statement that one is quitting a job.
If Bob Cratchit had not accepted Scrooge’s bullying with timid resignation, he might have gotten up the nerve to hand in his resignation.
resigned, ADJ.
构词:re (away) + sign + tion (n)
v. express disapproval or disappointment.
He never could do anything wrong without imagining how the look on his mother’s face would reproach him afterwards. also N.
reproachful, ADJ.
构词:re (not) + proach (approach)
N. survey of enemy by soldiers; reconnoitering.
If you encounter any enemy soldiers during your reconnaissance, capture them for questioning.
构词:re (to) + con (altogether) nais (know) + ance (n)
v. entertain.
John regaled us with tales of his adventures in Africa.
构词:re (to) + gale (gay)
v. fret; complain.
There is no sense repining over the work you have left undone.
构词:re (to) + pine (yearn)
super=above, over
ADJ. arrogant; condescending; patronizing.
The supercilious headwaiter sneered at customers who he thought did not fit the image of a restaurant catering to an ultrafashionable crowd.
构词:super (above) + cili (eyelid) + ous (a)
ADJ. trivial; shallow.
Since your report gave only a superficial analysis of the problem, I cannot give you more than a passing grade.
构词:super (over) + fici (face) + al (a)
N. person or thing in excess of what is necessary; extra.
His first appearance on the stage was as a supernumerary in a Shakespearean tragedy.
构词:super (over) + numer (number) + ry (n)
N. small metallic piece sewn to clothing for ornamentation.
The thousands of spangles on her dress sparkled in the glare of the stage lights.
ADJ. playful.
Such a sportive attitude is surprising in a person as serious as you usually are.
ADJ. vigorously active; nimble.
She was eighty years old, yet still spry and alert.
sub=under, secondary
ADJ. less intense; quieter.
Bob liked the subdued lighting at the restaurant because he thought it was romantic. I just thought the place was dimly lit.
构词:sub (under) + due (lead) + ed (a)
GRE,全称Graduate Record Examination,中文名称为美国研究生入学考试,适用于除法律与商业外的各专业。由美国教育考试服务处(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)主办,GRE是美国、加拿大的大学各类研究生院(除管理类学院,法学院)要求申请者所必须具备的一个考试成绩,也是教授对申请者是否授予奖学金所依据的最重要的标准。 另有,Generic Routing Encapsulation(通用路由封装)也简称GRE。