complement |
complete; consummate; make perfect; N. |
complementary |
serving to complete something |
compliance |
conformity in fulfilling requirements; readiness to yield; disposition to yield to others; V. comply |
compliant |
readily acting in accordance with a rule, order, or the wishes or others; yielding; comforming to requirements |
complicity |
participation; involvement (in a questionable act or a crime) |
component |
element; ingredient |
comport |
bear one's self; behave; Ex. comport oneself; N. comportment |
compost |
mixture of decaying organic matter used as fertilizer; V: put or make compost |
composure |
mental calmness |
compound |
combine; produce by combining; increase; make worse by adding to or increasing; exacerbate; Ex. compound an error; ADJ: consisting of two or more parts; N: combination of two or more parts; area enclosed by a wall containing a group of buildings; |
comprehend |
include; understand |
comprehensive |
broad; including a lot or everything; thorough; inclusive |
compress |
force into less space; squeeze; contract; put into fewer words; N: thick mass of cloth pressed to part of the body to stop bleeding or swelling, reduce fever, etc. |
comprise |
include; consist of |
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