combustion process of burning
commend praise
commendable worthy of praise
commuter person who travels regularly
complacently with self-satisfaction
complaisance easy-going habit of mind
comply act in accordance
compound mix or combine
conceal hide, keep secret
conceit over-high opinion of, too much pride
conciliatory intending to or likely to, peaceful
concord agreement or harmony
concur agree in opinion, happen together
condense increase in density, strength, make laconic
congeal make or become stiff and solid
connoisseur a person with good judgement (eg. in art)
consent give agreement or permission
consolation consoling or being consoled
console give comfort or sympathy to
consternation surprise and fear,dismay
constrict make tight or smaller
consume get to the end of
contentious quarrelsome
contiguous touching, neighboring, near
contrite filled with deep sorrow for wrongdoing
convoke call together, summon
convoluted complicated; coiled, twisted
cord twisted strands
corporeal physical; of or for the body
correlate have a mutual relation
corroboration additional, strengthening evidence
counterfeit forgery
covetous eagerly desirous
craven cowardly
crease line made by crushing; white line on the ground in criket
credulity too great a readiness to believe things
credulous ready to believe things
crush press, lose shape, subdue, overwhelm
cryptic secret, with a hidden meaning
cumbersome burdensome, heavy and awkward to carry
dart quick movement; missile in darts
dawdler person who is slow; waste of time
dearth shortage
deference respect
defiance open disobedience or resistance
deflect turn aside
deluge great flood, heavy rush of water
demur raise an objection
dent hollow, depression mad by a blow
deposition dethronoment, depositing
deprave make morally bad; corrupt
derision ridicule, mockery, deriding
derivative derived, not original or primitive
descry catch sight of, see smth in the distance
detach separate
diatribe bitter and violent attack in words
dilate speak comprehensively, become wider, large
disabuse free from false ideas, put right
discern see with an effort but clearly
discourse speech, lecture
dismal sad, gloomy, miserable
disparate essentially different
dissemble speak or behave so as to hide smth (in mind)
dissent have a different opinion, refuse to assent
dissipation going away, dispersing
distinct easily heard, seen, understood, clearly marked
distorted pulled out of the usual shape, give a false account of
distraught distracted, violently upset in mind
distraught disracted; violently upset in mind
divergerence getting farther apart from a point
divestiture taking off, getting rid of, giving up
divulge make known smth secret
dormant in a state of inactivity but awaiting development
dote show much fondness, center one's attention
drone male bee, person who isn't self-employed
drowsiness feeling sleepy, half asleep
dud no use person, smth that fails
dupe cheat, make a fool of
dwarf person or smb much below the usual size
earthenware dishes made of baked clay
ebullience exuberance, outburst of feeling
eddy circular or spiral movement (eg. of wind)
effrontery shameless boldness, impudence
egress way out, exit
elaborate worked out with much care in great detail
eloquence fluent speaking; skillful use of language
encomium very high praise
endemic epidemic
endorse write one's name on the back of
enervate cause to lose strength
engender be the case of (eg. situation, condition)
engrossing taken up all the time or attention; writing in large or formal
engulf swallow up
enigma smth that is puzzling
enzyme catalyst
epistle letter
equilibrium state of being balanced
equivocal having a double or doubtful meaning; suspicious
equivocate put an end, get rig of
erode wear away, eat into
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