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2012-02-05 12:31


【 liuxue86.com - GRE词汇 】


iconoclastic :: attacking cherished traditions

igneous :: produced by fire; volcanic

ignoble :: of lowly origin; unworthy

ignominious :: disgraceful

illimitable :: infinite

immaculate :: pure; spotless

imminent :: impending; near at hand

immune :: exempt

immutable :: unchangeable

impassive :: without feeling; not affected by pain

impeccable :: faultless

impecunious :: without money

impending :: nearing; approaching

impenitent :: not repentant

imperious :: domineering

impermeable :: impervious; not permitting passage through its substance

impertinent :: insolent

impervious :: not penetrable; not permitting passage through

impetuous :: violent; hasty; rash

impious :: irreverent

implacable :: incapable of being pacified

implicit :: understood but not stated

impolitic :: not wise

impregnable :: invulnerable

impromptu :: without previous preparation

improvident :: thriftless

inalienable :: not to be taken away; nontransferable

inane :: silly; senseless

inanimate :: lifeless

inarticulate :: speechless; producing indistinct speech

incarnate :: endowed with flesh; personified

incessant :: uninterrupted

inchoate :: recently begun; rudimentary; elementary

incipient :: beginning; in an early stage

incisive :: cutting; sharp

inclement :: stormy; unkind

inclusive :: tending to include all

incognito :: with identity concealed; using an assumed name

incommodious :: not spacious

incompatible :: inharmonious

inconsequential :: of trifling significance

incontrovertible :: indisputable

incorporeal :: immaterial; without a material body

incorrigible :: uncorrectable

indefatigable :: tireless

indigenous :: native

indigent :: poor

indisputable :: too certain to be disputed

indomitable :: unconquerable

indubitably :: beyond a doubt

indulgent :: humoring; yielding; lenient

ineffable :: unutterable; cannot be expressed in speech

inept :: unsuited; absurd; incompetent

inexorable :: relentless; unyielding; implacable

infallible :: unerring

infamous :: notoriously bad

infinitesimal :: very small

inflated :: enlarged with air or gas

ingenuous :: naive; young; unsophisticated

inherent :: firmly established by nature or habit

inimical :: unfriendly; hostile

iniquitous :: unjust; wicked

innate :: inborn

innocuous :: harmless

inordinate :: unrestrained; excessive

insatiable :: not easily satisfied; greedy

inscrutable :: incomprehensible; not to be discovered

insensate :: without feeling

insidious :: treacherous; stealthy; sly

insipid :: tasteless; dull

insolent :: haughty and contemptuous

insular :: like an island; narrow-minded

insuperable :: insurmountable; invincible

insurgent :: rebellious

interminable :: endless

intermittent :: periodic; on and off

intransigent :: refusing any compromise

intrepid :: fearless

intrinsic :: belonging to a thing in itself; inherent

introvert :: inclined to think more about oneself

inured :: accustomed; hardened

inverse :: opposite

inveterate :: deep-rooted; habitual

invidious :: designed to create ill will or envy

invulnerable :: incapable of injury

irascible :: irritable; easily angered

iridescent :: exhibiting rainbowlike colors

ironical :: resulting in an unexpected and contrary manner

irreconcilable :: incompatible; not able to be resolved

irrelevant :: not applicable; unrelated

irremediable :: incurable; uncorrectable

irreparable :: not able to be corrected or repaired

irreverent :: lacking proper respect GRE,全称Graduate Record Examination,中文名称为美国研究生入学考试,适用于除法律与商业外的各专业。由美国教育考试服务处(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)主办,GRE是美国、加拿大的大学各类研究生院(除管理类学院,法学院)要求申请者所必须具备的一个考试成绩,也是教授对申请者是否授予奖学金所依据的最重要的标准。 另有,Generic Routing Encapsulation(通用路由封装)也简称GRE。

  想了解更多GRE词汇网的资讯,请访问: GRE词汇









