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2015-06-12 11:42


【 liuxue86.com - GRE真题 】




  1. Whether the network renews the latest pilot series ___________ the critical assumption that the audience will not only empathize with a male protagonist very different from it, but will continue to do so once he begins to commit acts that are clearly reprehensible.

  A. invites

  B. supports

  C. stems from

  D. Indulges in

  E. hinges upon

  2. Whereas the incumbent's opponents feverishly worked around the clock, digging up seemingly irrelevant information only to contort a(n) (i) ___________ incident so that it appeared unequivocally damning, the incumbent himself resorted to no such (ii) ___________ and preferred instead to calumniate opponents during

  Blank (i) A. benign B. unambiguous C. disgraceful

  Blank (ii) D. desperate subterfuge E. concealed outpouring F. subtle promotion

  3. J. Robert 0ppenheimer’s role in the Manhattan project as the architect of the atomic bomb left such a(n) (i) ___________ on the public conscience that the remaining fifteen years Oppenheimer spent (ii) ___________ nuclear weapons seem a mere historical footnote.

  Blank (i) A. indelible mark B. fleeting impression C. significant diversion

  Blank (ii) D. campaigning for E. further testing F. railing against

  4. ___________ she suddenly became___________, even conspiratorial, as the detectives, who had been stymied and had all but given up on extracting an iota of evidence from her, took sedulous notes.

  Blank (i) A. Unbidden B. Aghast C. Surprised

  Blank (ii) D. sullen E. Contentious F. Forthcoming

  5. That we can, from a piece of art, (i) ___________ the unconscious urges of the artist—urges that remain hidden even from the artist himself—will remain a(n) (ii) ___________ issue, as it is one (iii) ___________empirical analysis: we can never definitively know what is submerged deep inside the artist's psyche, let alone reconcile any such revelations with the artist’s work.

  Blank (i) A. derive B. appreciate C. subvert

  Blank (ii) D. practical E. intractable F. unambiguo

  Blank (iii) G. easily subjected to H. not readily amenable to I. likely to be resolved by

  6. The contention that Hopkin’s extensive anthropological fieldwork led to a unified theory is ___________-close scrutiny reveals a ___________ of observations that, at times, even prove ___________ one another.

  Blank (i) A. redoubtable B. specious C. unbiased

  Blank (ii) D. mere hodgepodge E. coherent system F. meticulous scaffolding

  Blank (iii) G. inimical to H. convergent with I. susceptible to


  1. The professor repelled many students with his ___________asides, often droning on about some trivial academic points

  A. subtle

  B. alluring

  C. pedantic

  D. contemptuous

  E. edifying

  2. The Barcelona based outfit, Ojos de Brujos, combines elements of East Indian tabla music, American hip-hop, and classical Flamenco, producing a unique___________of sound.

  A. cadence

  B. subtlety

  C. amalgam

  D. infusion

  E. dynamo

  3. No less incendiary amongst the populace than many other "hot button" issues of the day, wfracking"—or hydraulic fracturing of the earth's surface to acquire gas, a practice that mostly takes place in remote parts of the country—has been (i) ___________ the national dialogue come election time, perhaps because voters are typically (ii) ___________ environmental problems that do not occur in their own backyards, so to speak.

  Blank (i) A. unfairly tarnished in B. a prominent theme in C. curiously absent from

  Blank (ii) D. misinformed about E. worked up over F. unmoved by

  4. Traditionally (i) ___________ in their criticism of the hazards of nuclear power—which are undeniably pressing—many environmental groups failed to cite any viable energy alternatives; still, these very groups often (ii) ___________ the success of "green technologies," innovations that, until very recently, were able to provide only a fraction of the power required to sustain a populace.

  Blank (i) A. muted B. vociferous C. misguided

  Blank (ii) D. derided E. trumpeted F. condoned

  5. Long regarded as one of the most dangerous summits, Mt. Rainier presents numerous challenges—_______ weather can form from seemingly innocuous clouds, making the slopes so_________ that even the most _________ hiker can be caught unawares.

  Blank (i) A. routine B. inclement C. sweltering

  Blank (ii) D. demanding E. precarious F. bucolic

  Blank (iii) G. presumptuous H. well-prepared I. intrepid

  6. That the comedian was so___________ as to be unable to ___________ the effect she had on others was not lost on her audience, who quickly stood up to leave, hoping their action would at last ___________.

  Blank(i) A. coarse B. oblivious C. genteel

  Blank (ii) D. discern E. mitigate F. ignore

  Blank (iii) G. serve as an uncommon retort H. send an unambiguous message I. provide a cryptic counterpoint







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