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2012-01-14 16:57


【 liuxue86.com - GRE词汇 】

Denounce:指责,揭发 Renounce:宣布放弃,抛弃

Delude:欺骗 Deluge:洪水,豪雨

Decompose:使腐烂 Discompose:使失态,慌张

Depredation:劫掠 Depreciation:贬值

Deposition:免职,沉积 Disposition:处理,天性气质

Demur: take exception, object. Demure: decorous; shy, bashful

Dilatory: delaying; tardy, show Dilate: swell, distend , expand

Disaffected: alienate the affection or loyalty of Unaffected: natural, genuine

Decorum: orderliness, propriety Decoration: ornament

Dinghy: a small boat Dingy: dirty, shabby, discolored

Drudge: to do hard, menial, or monotonous work Dredge: a machine or barge for removing earth or silt

Discomfit: upset, frustrate mollify Discomfort: make uncomfortable or uneasy

Duplicity: the disguising of true; intentions by deceptive words or action Duplicate: to make double or two-fold or action

Equanimity: 沉着,镇静 Equality: 均匀,同等

Expire:期满,熄灭 Expiate:赎罪

Edifice:大厦 Edification:陶冶 Orifice:小孔

Eclipse:(日、月)蚀,失势 Ellipse:椭圆形 Ellipsis(ses):省略法

Exquisite:精致的 Perquisite:固定津贴

Emancipation:释放,解脱 Emaciation:消瘦 Emasculate:weaken

Equation:等式、方程式 Equitation:骑马术

Elicit:引出,探出 Explicit:清楚明确的

Exigency: requirements; urgent need Exiguous: scanty in amount

Ecumenical: worldwide Empiricism: 经验主义

Epigram: a short witty poem or saying Epilogue: a speech addressed to the spectators by an actor at the end of a play Episode: a unit of action in a dramatic or literary work; occurrence Epistle: one of the letters of the New Testament Epitaph: an inscription in memory of a dead person Epithet: a characterizing and often abusive word or phrase Epitome: abstract, summary; embodiment.

Eddy: whirlpool, a circular current Ebb: the reflux of the tide toward the sea; a point or condition of decline

Exhaustion: extreme weariness Exhaustive: covering all possibilities

Exonerate: 证明无罪 Exorable:可说服的,心软的

Fortuitous: accidental Fortitude: strength

Forfeit: 丧失 Surfeit:饮食过度

Fomentation:煽动,助长 Fermentation:发酵

Flounder: proceed clumsily Founder: collapse

Fractious: 易怒的,好争吵的, hard to handle or control Fractional:部分的,碎片的 Factious: 有派性的 Factitious:人为的,不真实的 Facetious:轻浮的

Fetid: having an offensive smell stinking Fetish: 神物

Fantasy: imaginative fiction Fascinate: be irresistibly attractive

Flush: to pour liquid over or through Fluster: upset

Gouge: 半圆凿,敲竹杠 Gauche:笨拙的,不会社交的 Gauge:标准尺寸

Gravel:碎石 Grovel:摇尾乞怜的 Gavel:a mallet used for commanding attention Grove: a small wood

Grate: to grind or rub against with a rasping noise Grateful thankful; pleasing Gratify: to afford pleasure to Gratis: without charge or recompense Gratuitous: free charge; unwarranted Gratitude: thankfulness

Gamble: 赌博,投机 Gable:山墙 Gambol:跳跃,嬉戏 Gobble: to swallow or eat greedily

Gall: vex, harass Gulled: deceive Guile: duplicity Guilt: 罪

Gloss:光泽 Gross:总的,粗野的,整体的

Hypnosis; 催眠术 Hypothesis:假说

Histrionics:演戏 Histology:组织学

Homely:长相一般的 Homily:a lecture of a moral theme

Hypercritical :meticulously or excessively critical Hypocritical :not sincerely GRE,全称Graduate Record Examination,中文名称为美国研究生入学考试,适用于除法律与商业外的各专业。由美国教育考试服务处(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)主办,GRE是美国、加拿大的大学各类研究生院(除管理类学院,法学院)要求申请者所必须具备的一个考试成绩,也是教授对申请者是否授予奖学金所依据的最重要的标准。 另有,Generic Routing Encapsulation(通用路由封装)也简称GRE。
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