First of all, the fact that EZ collects trash twice as often as ABC is significant only if the town
would benefit from an additional collection each week. Yet the author provides no evidence
that this is the case. For all we know, one collection per week suffices to dispose all of the
town's trash. If so, then on the basis of frequency of collection it would make no sense to favor
EZ's costlier service over ABC's less expensive one.
Secondly, the fact that EZ has ordered more trucks proves little in itself about which service
would be the better choice for Walnut Grove. Perhaps EZ does not plan to use its new trucks
for collecting Walnut Grove's trash. For that matter, perhaps EZ does not use its entire current
fleet for this purpose, whereas ABC would. Besides, the author does not indicate when EZ will
receive its new trucks; the later the delivery date, the less significant this factor should be in
Walnut Grove's decision.
Thirdly, the mere fact that most respondents to a recent survey considered EZ's service
satisfactory provides little support to the author's recommendation. The author fails to provide
assurances that these respondents are representative of the overall population of people
whose trash EZ collects. Moreover, even if that population is generally satisfied it is entirely
possible that they would be even more satisfied with ABC's services.
In sum, the recommendation is not well supported. To bolster it the letter's author must
provide specific evidence that Walnut Grove would benefit from an additional trash collection
each week, and that the use of additional trucks would improve service to Walnut Grove. To
better assess the strength of the recommendation I would need more information about the
demographic profile of the survey's respondents. It would also be helpful to obtain opinions
from municipalities and individuals that have some experience with both EZ and ABC.
Argument 16
The following appeared in an editorial in a Prunty County newspaper.
"In an attempt to improve highway safety, Prunty County recently lowered its speed limit from
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