Another fundamental problem is that the speaker omits to inform us about the test subjects'
sleep patterns just prior to the experiment. It is impossible to conclude with any confidence that
the subjects benefited from sleeping on lavender-scented pillows without comparing how they
slept with the pillows to how they sleep without them.
Yet another problem involves the fact that subjects slept more soundly and awakened less
fired the first week than the second, and that they used their regular sleep medication the first
week but not the second. This evidence tends to show only that the subjects' other sleep
medications were effective; it proves nothing about the effectiveness of lavender.
A fourth problem involves the speaker's account of the experiment's third week, during
which the speaker reports only that the subjects slept longer and more soundly than in the
previous two weeks. We are not informed whether the subjects took any medication during the
third week. Assuming they did not, any one of a variety of factors other than the
lavender-scented pillows might explain the third week's results. Perhaps the subjects were
simply making up for sleep they lost the previous week when they discontinued their regular
medication. Or perhaps the subjects were finally becoming accustomed to the
lavender-scented pillows, which actually disturbed sleep initially. In short, without ruling out
other explanations for the third week's results, the speaker cannot confidently identify what
caused the subjects to sleep longer and more soundly that week.
Two final problems with the argument involve the experimental process. The experiment's
results are reliable only if all other factors that might affect sleep patterns remained constant
during the three-week period, and if the number of experimental subjects is statistically
significant. Without evidence of the experiment's methodological and statistical reliability, the
speaker's conclusion is unjustifiable.
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