Thirdly, even if VenacUal is shown condusively to carry the touted health benefits and to be
popular worldwide, Healthy-and-Good WIU not necessarily earn a substantial profit by
acquiring international rights to sell Venadial. The memo provides no information about the
costs involved in manufacturing and distributing Venadial--only that it is derived from pine-tree
resin and has been produced only in Alta. Perhaps Venadial can be de rived only from certain
pine trees located in Alta and surrounding regions. If so, then the costs of procuring Venadial
might prevent the company from earning a profit. In short, without more information about
supply, demand, and production costs, it is impossible to determine whether the company can
earn a profit from acquiring international rights to sell Venadial.
In sum, the memo's recommendation is not well supported. Before I can accept it, the sales
director must supply dearer evidence that (1) Venadial contributes to lower cholesterol level
and decreased heart-attack risk, (2) consumers outside of Alta would prefer Venadial over
alternative products, and (3) the revenue from sales of Venadial would significantly outweigh
the costs of producing and distributing the product.
Argument 65
The following is a letter that recently appeared in the Oak City Gazette, a local newspaper.
"Membership in Oak City's Civic Club---a club whose primary objective is to discuss local
issues---should continue to be restricted to people who live in Oak City. People who work-in
Oak City but who live elsewhere cannot truly understand the business and politics of the city. It
is important to restrict membership to city residents because only residents pay city taxes and
therefore only residents understand how the money could best be used to improve the city. At
any rate, restricting membership in this way is unlikely to disappoint many of the nonresidents
employed in Oak City, since neighboring Elm City's Civic Club has always had an open
membership policy, and only twenty-five nonresidents have joined Elm City's Club in the last
ten years."
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