This letter recommends that membership in Oak City's Civic Club, the primary objective of
which is to discuss local issues, be limited to local residents. To support this recom mendation,
the author claims that since only residents pay local taxes they are the only people who
sufficiently understand local business and political issues. The author also cites the fact that in
the last ten years very few non-residents of Oak City who work in Oak City have joined nearby
Elm City's civic club, which is open to any person. The argument suffers from two critical flaws
and is therefore unpersuasive as it stands.
To begin with, the letter fails to adequately support the claim that since only residents pay
local taxes only they truly understand local business and political issues. Even given the
dubious assumption that being a local taxpayer affords one an understanding of local business
and political issues, it is fallacious to conclude that being a local taxpayer is a necessary
condition for understanding these issues. Moreover, common sense tells me that local
business people, residents or not, would probably be more intimately involved in many such
issues than local residents who do not have business interests in the town. Having failed to
address this distinct possibility, the letter is wholly unconvincing.
In further support of the recommendation, the letter cites the fact that nearby Elm City's civic
club is open to any person, yet very few Oak City business people who are not residents have
joined Elm City's club in the last ten years. But this fact alone lends no support to the
recommendation. It is possible, for instance, that these business people have no connection
with Elm City whatsoever, or that these business people have been members of Elm City's
civic club for longer than ten years. The author must eliminate these possibilities in order to
rely justifiably on this evidence for his or her recommendation.
In conclusion, the letter's author fails to adequately support the recommendation that Oak
City civic club membership be restricted to local residents. To strengthen the argument, the
author must provide dear evidence that non-residents who work in Oak City do not understand
local issues as well as residents do. To better evaluate the argument, we would need more
information about why non-resident business people in Oak City have not joined Elm City's
civic club during the last ten years.
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