flicker |
burn unsteadily or fitfully; move waveringly; N: flickering movement or light; brief sensation; Ex. flicker of excitement |
flighty |
(esp. of a woman's behavior) capricious; often changing, esp. from one lover to another; impulsive |
flinch |
hesitate; shrink back (in fear of something unpleasant); Ex. She did not flinch in the face of danger. |
flip |
send (something) spinning, often into the air, by striking with a light quick blow; turn over; Ex. flip over |
flippant |
lacking proper seriousness; Ex. flippant remarks about death; N. flippancy |
flirt |
behave in a way that attracts (sexual) attention; deal triflingly with; N: one (or woman) given to flirting; ADJ. flirtatious |
flit |
fly; fly or move lightly or quickly; dart lightly; pass swiftly by; Ex. a bee flitting from flower to flower |
floe |
flat mass of floating ice |
flora |
plants of a region or era |
florescence |
condition or period of flowering |
florid |
ruddy; (of a complexion) reddish; flowery; very ornate; CF. rose |
flotsam |
drifting wreckage |
flounder |
struggle and thrash about; proceed clumsily or falter (as in water, mud, snow, etc.); proceed in confusion |
flourish |
grow well; prosper; make sweeping gestures; wave; brandish; Ex. The trees flourished in the sun. N: showy movement or gesture; embellishment or ornamentation (esp. in handwriting) |
flout |
reject; mock; show contempt for; scorn; Ex. flout the rules |
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