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2011-06-22 14:06


【 liuxue86.com - GRE作文 】


  The following is taken from a memo from the advertising director of the Silver Screen Movie Production Company.
  According to a recent report from our marketing department, fewer people attended movies produced by Silver Screen during the past year than in any other year.
  And yet the percentage of generally favorable comments by movie reviewers about specific Silver Screen movies actually increased during this period.
  Clearly, the contents of these reviews are not reaching enough of our prospective viewers; so the problem lies not with the quality of our movies but with the public's lack of awareness that movies of good quality are available.
  Silver Screen should therefore spend more of its budget next year on reaching the public through advertising and less on producing new movies.


  WSAMPLE-1 (score 6)

  The argument presented above is relatively sound, however, the author fails to recognize all the elements necessary to evaluate his situation. 这句话也很摸版化,但是重点分析一下这里evaluate his situation,读了后面几段,我们会知道全是在考虑对外界的评估的。所以这一句话就指明了论证的核心,可以说统领全文。 The idea that more money be invested in advertising may be a helpful one, but perhaps not because people are unaware of the current reviews.'

  这句话实际上是在进行让步,承认了广告还是有用的,但是原因不同。点明了论证主题句,下面几段全是围绕着让广告更有效这个主题来写的,正如官方评语中就提到了本文有个明显的中心句,就是本句。 To clarify, it may be necessary to advertise more in order to increase sales, however that could be due to many circumstances such as a decrease in the public's overall attendance, an increase in the cost of movies, or a lack of trust in the opinions of the reviewers.这句话是对主题句的补充,提供了几种具体的他因的论证方向,更重要的作用是,把主题句给打拆开几个小的分枝论点,从而方便下面的讨论。

  The advertising director first needs to determine the relative proportion of movie goers that choose to see Silver Screen films. 第一个需要对外界进行的评估就是人群中选择SS的比例。 That will help him to understand his market share.If the population in general is attending less, then he may still be out-profiting his competitors, despite his individual sales decrease.In fact, his relative sales could be increasing. 这几句话是对分枝论点的三段式演绎,即总体人数减少,她有可能还有竞争力,只要他的相对份额更多,竞争能力强,有可能他挣的更多 Determining where he stands in his market will help him to create and implement an action plan.最终的an action plan不就是广告吗,在段末尾很明显(尽管换了个词)的点了一下题。

  Another important thing to consder is the relative cost of attending movies to the current standard of living. 第二个需要考虑的就是当前的人们平均生活水平。 If the standard of living is decreasing, it may contribute to an overall decrease in attendance.In that case, advertising could be very helpful, in that a clever campaign could emphasize the low cost of movies as compared to many other leisure activities.

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