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2012-01-19 08:49




【 liuxue86.com - GRE作文 】

GRE写作部分将重点考察考生有针对性地对具体考题做出反应的能力,而非要求考生堆砌泛泛的文字。具体说来,这些重点关注的能力包括:1、 清楚有效地阐明复杂观点;2、 用贴切的事理和事例支撑观点;3、考察/验证他人论点及其相关论证;4、支撑一个有针对性的连贯的讨论;5、控制标准书面英语的各个要素。写作部分将联合考察逻辑推理和分析写作两种技能,并且将加大力度引进那些需要考生做出有针对性的回应的考题,降低考生依赖事前准备(如背诵)的材料的可能性。



Weak: The trees are bare. The grass is brown. The landscape seems drab. Revision:The brown grass and bare trees form a drab landscape. (转换为前置定语)Or: The landscape, bare and brown, begged for spring green. (转换为并列结构作后置定语)


1) Weak: The team members are good players.Revision: The team members play well.

2) Weak: One worker's plan is the elimination of tardiness.Revision: One worker's plan eliminates tardiness.


1) Weak: There is no opportunity for promotion.Revision: No opportunity for promotion exists.

2) Weak: Here are the books you ordered.Revision: The books you ordered have arrived.


1、Poor: My supervisor went past my desk.Better: My supervisor sauntered (=walked slowly) past my desk.

2、Poor: She is a careful shopper.Better: She compares prices and quality.


1、Weak: The organization has been supported by charity.Better: Charity has supported the organization.

2、Weak: The biscuits were stacked on a plate.Better: Mother stacked the biscuits on a plate.


1、Wordy: My little sister has a preference for chocolate milk.Improved: My little sister prefers chocolate milk.

2、Wordy: We are in receipt of your letter and intend to follow your recommendations.Improved: We have received your letter and intended to follow your recommendation.

3、Redundant: We had a serious crisis at school yesterday when our chemistry laboratory caught fire.Improved: We had a crisis at school yesterday when our chemistry laboratory caught fire.

4、Redundant: My sister and I bought the same, identical dress in different stores.Improved: My sister and I bought the same dress in different stores.


1、Weak: They will not agree to his proposals in any shape or form.Improved: They will not agree to any of his proposals.

2、Weak: I need her financial input before I can guesstimate our expenditures next fall.Improved: I need her financial figures before I can estimate our expenditures next fall.

感谢您阅读《增强语句表现力的方法 》一文,出国留学网(liuxue86.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

  想了解更多GRE作文网的资讯,请访问: GRE作文
