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2012-01-26 18:30


【 liuxue86.com - GRE作文 】

The virtues of moderation are undeniable. Moderation in all things affords us the time and
energy to sample more of what life and the world have to offer. In contrast, lack of moderation
leads to a life out of balance. As a society we are slowly coming to realize what many astute
psychologists and medical practitioners have known all along: we are at our best as humans
only when we strike a proper balance between the mind, body, and spirit. The call for a
balanced life is essentially a call for moderation in all things.
For instance, while moderate exercise improves our health and sense of well-being, over
exercise and intense exercise can cause injury or psychological burnout, either of which defeat
our purpose by requiring us to discontinue exercise altogether. Lack of moderation in diet can
cause obesity at one extreme or anorexia at the other, either of which endangers one's health,
and even life. And when it comes to potentially addictive substances--alcohol, tobacco, and the
like--the deleterious effects of over-consumption are clear enough.
The virtues of moderation apply to work as well. Stress associated with a high-pressure job
increases one's vulnerability to heart disease and other physical disorders. And overwork can
result in psychological burnout, thereby jeopardizing one's job and career. Overwork can even
kill, as demonstrated by the alarmingly high death rate among young Japanese men, many of
whom work 100 or more hours each week.
Having acknowledged the wisdom of the old adage, I nevertheless agree that under some
circumstances, and for some people, abandoning moderation might be well justified. Query
how many of the world's great artistic creations--in the visual arts, music, and even
literature--would have come to fruition without intense, focused efforts on the part of their
creators. Creative work necessarily involves a large measure of intense focus--a
single-minded, obsessive pursuit of aesthetic perfection.
Or, consider athletic performance. Admittedly, intensity can be counterproductive when it
results in burnout or injury. Yet who could disagree that a great athletic performance
necessarily requires great focus and intensity--both in preparation and in the performance
itself?. In short, when it comes to athletics, moderation breeds mediocrity, while intensity
breeds excellence and victory. Finally, consider the increasingly competitive world of business. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(84) 》一文,出国留学网(liuxue86.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

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