An intense, focused company-wide effort is sometimes needed to ensure a company's
competitiveness, and even survival. This is particularly true in today's technology-driven
industries where keeping up with frantic pace of change is essential for almost any high-tech
finn's survival.
In sum, the old adage amounts to sound advice for most people under most circumstances.
Nevertheless, when it comes to creative accomplishment, and to competitive success in areas
such as athletics and business, I agree with the speaker that abandoning or suspending
moderation is often appropriate, and sometimes necessary, in the interest o f achieving
worthwhile goals.
Issue 119
"Although innovations such as video, computers, and the Internet seem to offer schools
improved methods for instructing students, these technologies all too often distract from real
The speaker asserts that innovations such as videos, computers, and the Internet too often
distract from "real" learning in the dassroom. I strongly agree that these tools can be
counterproductive in some instances, and ineffectual for certain types of learning.
Nevertheless, the speaker's assertion places too little value on the ways in which these
innovations can facilitate the learning process.
In several respects, I find the statement compelling. First of all, in my observation and
experience, computers and videos are misused most often for education when teachers rely
on them as surrogates, or baby-sitters. Teachers must use the time during which students are
watching videos or are at their computer stations productively--helping other students,
preparing lesson plans, and so forth. Otherwise, these tools can indeed impede the learning
Secondly, passive viewing of videos or of Web pages is no indication that any significant
learning is taking place. Thus teachers must carefully select Internet resources that provide a
true interactive learning experience, or are highly informative otherwise. And, in selecting
videos teachers must be sure to follow up with lively class discussions. Otherwise, the
comparatively passive nature of these media can render them ineffectual in the learning
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