Lending credence to my position is Francis Bacon's scientific method, according to which we
can know only that which we observe, and thus all truth must be based on empirical
observation. This profoundly important principle serves to expose and strip away all subjective
interpretation of observation, thereby revealing objective scientific truths. For example, up until
Bacon's time the Earth was "observed" to lie at the center of the Universe, in accordance with
the prevailing religious notion that man (humankind) was the center of God's creation.
Applying Bacon's scientific method Galileo exposed the biased nature of this claim. Similarly,
before Einstein time and space were assumed to be linear, in accordance with our
"observation." Einstein's mathematical formulas suggested otherwise, and his theories have
been proven empirically to be true. Thus it was our subjective interpretation of time and space
that led to our misguided notions about them. Einstein, like history's other most influential
scientists, simply refused to accept conventional interpretations of what we all observe.
In sum, the speaker confuses observation with interpretation and recollection. It is how we
make sense of what we observe, not observation itself, that is colored by our perspective,
expectations, and desires. The gifted individuals who can set aside their subjectivity and delve
deeper into empirical evidence, employing Bacon's scientific method, are the ones who reveal
that observation not only can be objective but must be objective if we are to embrace the more
fundamental notion that knowledge and truth exist.
Issue 70
"The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of
human minds."
This statement actually consists of a series of three related claims: (1) machines are tools of
human minds; (2) human minds will always be superior to machines; and (3) it is because
machines are human tools that human minds will always be superior to machines. While I
concede the fn:st claim, whether I agree with the other two claims depends partly on how one
defines "superiority," and partly on how willing one is to humble oneself to the unknown future
The statement is clearly accurate insofar as machines are tools of human minds. After all,
would any machine even exist unless a human being invented it? Of course not.
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